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Willesborough Junior School

Welcome to Year 6

Meet our Year 6 Team...

 Below you will find short profiles about the grown-ups in our Year 6 classes.

Keller Class

King Class

Rashford Class

Thunberg Class

Year 6 Welcome Letter

y6 welcome letter 2023.pdf

 Term 1 Topic Map 

So far this term, the children have thoroughly enjoyed delving into the history of WW2. The children have been learning about life in the 1940s. To secure that knowledge, our English work has seen the children empathising with evacuation and imagining how it would have been to be evacuated at this time – writing in role. Our learning was further deepened by our first exciting trip of the year to Dover castle! The children visited the wartime tunnels, learning about Operation Dynamo. The underground tunnels, that were operational during the battle of Dunkirk, are still set up as they would have been during the second world war. This real-life experience deepened the children’s learning further and is enhancing our learning back in the classroom!

In Science, the children have enjoyed learning about our key scientist: Charles Darwin. They have classified animals into groups and learnt new facts, such as: dolphins produce milk for their young as they are part of the mammal classification group!

Term 2 Topic Map

During term 2, Year 6 have been immersing themselves into art and architecture linked to their religious studies – focusing on the question:

'Is it better to express your beliefs in arts and architecture or in charity and generosity?'

This has seen the children visiting and comparing our local church of worship, with the grand Canterbury Cathedral! The children have enjoyed experiencing the vast differences between each religious place of worship, and the architecture and artwork in each.

Alongside this, Year 6 have been focusing on the circulatory system in Science. The children learnt about the different systems within the human body and finished off this unit with handling and dissecting a real lamb's heart, showing the anatomical structure and experience the first-hand job of a scientist. 

Term 3 Topic Map

Another fun packed term of learning for Year 6 in Term 3! The children have been investigating paper techniques, linked to our collage artwork unit in Art & DT. Deepening their knowledge of the famous artist Hokusai, who is famously known for his artwork/masterpiece: ‘The Great Wave’, the children have planned their mood boards and learnt a variety of paper techniques to build up their own finished piece of artwork. During PE, we have been learning a variety of dance styles, with a fun end of unit treat, participating in an outside workshop to teach the children cultural dances during International Week. Alongside this, the children focused on their chosen class country and immersed themselves into their cultures and traditions, deepening their understanding of the world around us. Finally, we have learnt all about electricity in Science, looking at parallel circuits with some great practical activities.

Term 4 

Our Core Texts

Year 5 & Year 6 Learning Cafe 

y5 y6 learning cafe.pdf