Visit Willesborough Infant School

Willesborough Junior School

Our Curriculum

Willesborough Infants and Willesborough Juniors are federated schools.  The school community celebrate a shared ethos, vision and shared values.  We have worked together to create an ambitious and progressive curriculum to meet the needs of our unique Willesborough Schools Community.

Our Ethos;

Wonder – Inspire – Shine

In our schools we want our children to wonder what the future might hold for them, be inspired by the opportunities open to them in an ever changing world and shine through their achievements and those of others.  Our ethos embraces the ambitious belief that anything is possible and that we can change the world.

Our Vision;

Shaping Minds, Shaping our World

In a world that is ever changing, we as individuals have a responsibility to be part of shaping its future. Knowledge and empowerment drive change.  We teach children;

  1. About the leadership of people who deliver and have left lasting legacies
  2. Our responsibility towards the environment and living things
  3. That aspiration and determination open the gateway to change
  4. To respect and celebrate diversity within our community and across the communities of the world

The core values of leadership, aspiration, determination, responsibility and respect are lifelong attributes that are essential to achieve individual and collaborative success.

We deliver a curriculum where children;

  1. Have real experiences
  2. Learn creatively
  3. Understand and contribute to their community
  4. Celebrate their differences
  5. Care for each other
  6. Believe that anything is possible